20 easy steps to increase reviews for your CPG brand

Gather customer feedback.

Gathering customer feedback is crucial to improving your product. Whether you’re selling a new or established product, it’s important to gather customer feedback and make changes as necessary. This will not only help improve your product, but also show customers that you’re listening to their needs and want them to be satisfied. Here are some ways to collect customer feedback:

  • Surveys

  • Online reviews/ratings

  • Customer service interactions

  • Product returns analysis

Use product reviews to improve your product.

One of the best ways to use product reviews is to improve your product.

  • Create a feedback loop: Your company should have a feedback loop from start to finish in which you’re continuously collecting information from customers and improving your products or services based on that information.

  • Get feedback directly from customers: If possible, it’s even better to get this feedback directly from customers instead of through third-party sources like online reviews. You’ll want to make sure that at least some of the information you collect comes straight from the horse’s mouth so that it isn’t filtered down by other parties.

  • You also want to keep contol of the reviews. You need to be able to showcase the best ones.

  • Ask for specific types of feedback: Make sure that when you’re gathering customer feedback, you’re getting very specific about what kind of things you’d like them to weigh in on. For example, if there are certain aspects of your product or service that can be improved while others stay great as they are, ask your customers only about these areas where improvement is possible.

Include a QR code in the packaging.

Including a QR code in the packaging of your product is a great way to get consumers to leave reviews. Just like barcodes, QR codes are an easy way to provide consumers with access to additional information or features. They can be used by manufacturers and retailers to easily access product information or make available special coupons, deals and promotions. Consumers can also use them to directly give feedback on products they’ve purchased.

QR codes are now found on a wide range of products, from foods to magazines and toys. These codes are typically scanned with smartphones, making them extremely accessible for most consumers—and that means they’re likely going to work as intended!

Feature some of your best reviews on your site, or add them to an FAQ page where they might be useful or relevant to new customers.

  • Feature some of your best reviews on your site, or add them to an FAQ page where they might be useful or relevant to new customers. This is an excellent way to reassure customers that your product is the right choice for them. It’s easy to make it impossible for users to find your FAQs, but if you’re willing to put in a little bit of effort, this can be a great opportunity for review promotion. If you don’t feature them upfront, try linking users who abandon their shopping carts directly to the FAQ page. This makes it simple for people who have questions about delivery and returns to find answers—and see what other shoppers are saying about your products at the same time.

  • Make sure your customers know how to ask for reviews. Many shoppers are happy with a purchase but don’t know how easy it can be leave a quick review without any hassle or extra work on their part. Asking shoppers who purchased a product recently if they would mind leaving a review works well because they’ve already experienced the benefits of buying from you and won’t need any convincing of why they should leave one in the first place.. You can even send out automated emails asking them if they want to do so—it’s as easy as creating a newsletter-style email template that asks recipients whether they’d like recommendations on how they could leave feedback. If you’re still not getting enough engagement on your email campaigns, then try following up with select customers via social media instead!

  • Make sure that as many people know about this process as possible: when someone leaves positive feedback online (whether through email, social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter), post it in-store too! That way everyone will see what others had said about their experience with you before deciding whether or not buy something from you again themselves—or perhaps even convince someone else nearby into doing so at the same time?

Offer incentives in exchange for reviews.

Offer incentives in exchange for reviews.

While people may be willing to review your product at no cost, offering an incentive can increase the quantity and quality of your reviews. Offering a discount or free item in exchange for a positive review can incentivize customers to leave a review. Additionally, this is especially effective if you want to collect more reviews from certain demographics such as millennials. To make it easy for people to leave reviews, provide each customer with a QR code on their receipt that takes them directly to the review page of your CPG brand’s website. This way, they don’t have to figure out how to get there themselves and are more likely to leave a review.

Send follow-up emails after purchase.

One of the most effective ways to gain product reviews is to send follow-up emails. Emails can be sent a few days after a purchase and include a link or QR code for buyers to easily leave their review. This is also an excellent place to ask for feedback on your brand’s customer service and shipping practices, as well as questions about the product itself.

Personalize your requests for feedback.

Personalize your requests for feedback.

Asking isn’t the hard part; asking correctly is. And asking correctly involves tailoring your request to how and where your customer will be most receptive. Keep these things in mind:

  • If a customer has had an exceptional experience with your brand, it’s important to steer clear of being overbearing with a request for feedback. Keep requests for reviews in-line with the level of customer service they’ve received from you up to that point.

  • Don’t be afraid to ask! If a customer has had an average experience, however, it can be useful to reach out and ask if there are any areas that you could improve on, so that you can keep working toward making them exceptional experiences rather than just good ones.

Embed review forms on your website.

By embedding your review generation forms on your website, you can encourage existing customers to write positive reviews about their past experiences.

The benefits of this method are as follows:

  • Customers can easily submit their feedback from the comfort of their home, at a time that works best for them.

  • The review form is close to hand, so they don’t need to hunt down the URL and log in when they want to leave feedback.

  • Your site visitors can read what previous customers have written about your products or services. This will increase the chances of converting them into paying customers, especially if they see that others have had a positive experience with you before.

Help customers leave positive feedback.

Asking customers to leave reviews after they’ve purchased your product is an excellent way to build positive brand awareness, but there are so many different ways that the request can fall flat. To avoid this, you need to do more than just ask your customers for a review. The best way to get what you want is by providing them with something specific to go off of. Offer them a template for leaving reviews that shows some of the key features or benefits of your products and ask them to speak from personal experience about how these features and benefits have helped them.

Another great trick for soliciting positive feedback is reminding customers why they chose your product in the first place. If you already know about the things that make your product stand out from similar ones on the market, use those features as selling points when asking for reviews from happy customers. This will help ensure that their focus is on why they liked their purchase enough to provide positive feedback.

Remember: at the end of the day, it’s best practice not just to ask people for reviews as quickly as possible—you should also give them time limits and guidelines so that it’s easier for both parties involved in this exchange!

Respond to all reviews, positive or negative – customers want to see businesses take an interest in their opinions!

  • Respond to all reviews, positive or negative – customers want to see businesses take an interest in their opinions!

  • If a review is negative, ask for specific details so you can address the issue.

  • Respond in a timely manner. This doesn’t mean you need to respond immediately, but responding within 24 hours will show that you’re paying attention and care about your business.

  • Don’t be too defensive, but don’t be overly positive either. You don’t need to accept blame for every negative comment and apologize for it (that could open you up to legal issues), but it is important that your response shows you are concerned about the customer who wrote the review and want them to have a good experience with your products in the future. You also don’t want to go overboard with exclamation points and excessive compliments – this might come across as fake or insincere. A simple, polite response will go a long way!

  • Don’t respond with sales pitches or advertisements – remember that customers are using review sites as a forum for conversation and looking at others reviews when they research products on eCommerce sites like Amazon, Walmart, etc. They don’t want advertisements while they are browsing through reviews!

Thank your reviewers, publicly and privately.

Once you have some reviews, make sure you’re thanking your reviewers, both publicly and privately. Respond to every review within 24 hours. To thank positive reviewers, offer them a discount on their next purchase. This way, you get their business again and they may be more likely to leave another review (or at least not change the first one). If they left a negative review, reach out privately and offer to resolve their problem.

Share positive reviews across your social media platforms and channels.

You can use your CPG brand’s social media accounts to share reviews. However, you should be careful in how you share each review. Do not simply post a link to the review page and call it a day. Instead, take the time to look over the content of the reviews and select one or two (or three) lines from them that are glowing about your CPG products.

Then, create an image for these quotes using any one of several online tools. Make sure to include your logo on the imagery and link it back to your website’s product pages or your social media landing pages.

If you’re concerned about negative mentions, set up keyword-based alert systems so that you are notified as soon as someone posts a negative review or comment about your CPG products online. This will give you time to respond promptly and take care of any issues before they get out of hand

There are lots of ways to use product feedback from consumers, using it is a key part of creating future success

Once you get consumer feedback for your CPG brand, you should make sure that the right people are looking at it. This isn’t just a matter of making sure that you read all of the feedback, but also considering who else might find use in the information.

One way to ensure that your team is getting the most out of consumer reviews is to share them across your organization. While this may make sense intuitively, it can sometimes be hard to see what other departments might have use for such information.

While you might have a marketing department and a product development department, both groups could benefit from learning what consumers think about certain features or aspects of their analysis. By sharing consumer reviews with these departments, you can help them better understand what consumers think about your products and how they want your brand to develop in the future.